The Story of The EVE Project
The EVE Project (TEP) launched in the Illawarra region of NSW in 2019 as an organisation with the vision to see women who have survived abuse, thriving with renewed self-worth, value, and purpose. To achieve this vision, TEP piloted a 12-month supported work experience and pathways to employment program alongside their hospitality based social enterprise called EVE & Co.
At the close of 2021 after piloting the program and trying to grow a start-up business throughout two years of COVID 19 restrictions, it became clear that changes were required for TEP to continue. With strong values and strategic alignment, in mid 2022 it was announced that Hopefield Services Inc would adopt TEP programs. EVE & Co ceased trading in October 2022 until Hopefield could source sufficient funding to launch and operate a food based social enterprise. The EVE & Co assets were transferred to Hopefield to allow this exploration.
Helen Dwyer was a co-founder of The EVE Project and has transitioned to Hopefield as Program Lead for TEP program. Sponsored by the Big Sister Foundation, the EVE Project was recently evaluated and the report findings are incredible! We are proud to share the findings of effectiveness and benefits of TEP with you.

The EVE Project
Empowers and equips female survivors of abuse and trauma through long term holistic and enduring interventions, supporting women to rebuild their lives and stop the intergenerational transference of abuse.