Volunteer Opportunities

Become part of Hopefield.  Donate your time, skills and experience to support Hopefield in their work of improving the lives and well-being of others in our community.

Our volunteers support Hopefield across all areas of operation: administration; marketing; therapeutic, educational, social and creative group programs; individual client support; fund-raising; community hubs; and social enterprise initiatives.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, or would like to find out about how we can match your skills to what we do at Hopefield, please contact us.

Hopefield Eligibility Criteria for Volunteering 

To become a volunteer with Hopefield we ask you to:

  • Be over 18 years old 
  • Be physically able to be able to undertake the role you apply for
  • Be able to work independently or under the direction of a supervisor
  • Provide us with a National Police clearance
  • Provide us with a Working with Childrens check
  • Keep all information confidential and do not speak to others about those you are supporting
  • Feel comfortable working with a range of different people in our community. People who are vulnerable, homeless, could have a disability, mental health issues, addictions or have experienced trauma
  • Apply on behalf of yourself